Thursday, July 30, 2009

Adventure Trip Details...

Adventure trip finalized!

Our annual flying trip is going to be a little different this year. Our ground crew over the last few years grew pretty restless about how much work they had to do in packing up every day to go to the next stop on the trip, while the happy pilots just flew there, and like magic, the camp would be set up for them!

So this year, we are only moving once - we are going to use one location as our home base and take several day trips from there, then move to our second location, and do some more day trips from there. Pretty clever. That should stop all the whining!**

So, Friday night (8/7) -or Saturday morning for the busy folks- we're going to set up camp at Lili's field at W. Appleton, take a 30 or 40 mile trip on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, pack up on Tuesday morning and drive (and fly) to Gorham, NH, where we will take several more day trips through the White Mountains on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday - and have a farewell local fly-in at Gorham on Saturday.

More details on on day trip coming up in about a week, as we get all the necessary preparations, fueling requirements, coordinates, permissions, and other logistics finalized.

Please note that the text above was copied directly from the MPA website and the authors of this blog never whine. We just have unique ways to get what we want!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Norridgewock Fly-in

Competition was postponed to a later date (to

be announced) but a good time was had by all!


Sunday morning was great

Sunday morning was beautiful and everybody took

advantage of it. Then followed the traditional 4,000

calorie breakfast. thus deeming the fly-in a success!


Norridgewock Saturday Evening


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hampden Fly-In

A great time had by all thanks to Jeremy & Sheila Williams. They are terrific hosts and always welcome the MPA to join their annual fly-in fun.

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